Note: The Brief "Highlights" Resume is immediately followed by the Long-Form CV, below on this same page.

Kathleen Pierson, Musician and Teacher

contact: kashainwords -at- gmail - dot - com
mail to: PO Box 1533, Elon, NC 27244

A Brief "Highlights" Short-Form Resume


MM (Master of Music) in Composition, Towson University, Towson, MD
BA in Music, Goucher College, Towson, MD
Additional graduate work in electronic music and in choreography, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Work History Highlights:

2009-present: Part-time Accompanist/Composer for the BFA Dance Program, Elon University, Elon, NC

Summers 2010-2011: Accompanist for Carolina Ballet's Summer Dance intensive, Raleigh, NC

Summer 2010: Substitute Accompanist at American Dance Festival (ADF), Durham, NC

2007-2009: Freelance Composing, Performing, and Teaching in Asheville, NC

2005-2007: Full-time Accompanist/Composer and Instructor in the Dance Division, Kent State University, Kent, OH,
concurrently accompanying summer and weekends for University of Akron Dance Institute, Akron, OH

2004-2005: Guest Artist, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH

2001-2004: Part-time Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor teaching a variety of courses for the Music Department,
and concurrently Resident Musician in Dance, Denison University, Granville, OH

Also during these Ohio and North Carolina years: Perennial accompanist for the annual American College Dance Festival Association (ACDFA) conferences, and active in International Guild of Musicians in Dance (IGMID)

Through the 90s: Multiple concurrent part-time positions in Towson, Maryland, including:

Adjunct Faculty, Towson University Music Department, teaching up to 20 cr/yr, honored with the Dean's Award 1999
Head of Theory/Composition, for the Towson University Music Department's Preparatory Division 1993-2000
Accompanist/Composer, Towson University Dance Department, and teacher of their Music for Dance course
Guest Faculty (teaching their Music for Dance course), and Accompanist/Composer, Goucher College Dance Department
Accompanist, Carver Center for Arts & Technology Dance Department (Goucher-affiliated magnet high school dance program)
Accompanist for three professional dance companies, and for both Goucher and Towson's summer dance programs
Teacher of Modern Dance (choreographing), Music Theory. and Music History, 1990-96, Baltimore Actors Theatre Conservatory
Teacher of Middle/Upper School Music, Senior Seminar, Madrigal Group, and Chorus, 1991-92, The Park School
Teacher of Music & Drama, and Director of Musicals (write/produce/direct/choreograph/accompany), 1988-90, St James Academy

Through the 70s and 80s: Wide-ranging experiences in dance, music, teaching, and administration, including:

Founder/Administrator/Choregrapher/Composer/Performer/Teacher, Performing Arts Collective, 1984-88 (Fayetteville, AR)
Accompanist/Composer, Goucher College Dance Department, most semesters 1969-80 and 1987-2000 (Towson, MD)
Maryland Summer Center for the Arts Music faculty and accompanist, 1987-90 (Towson MD)
Summer Camp Staff teaching Modern Dance (including choreographing), Appel Arts Center, 1986 (Elmer, NJ)
Accompanist/Composer and Choreographer, University of Arkansas, 1980-84 (Fayetteville, AR)
Accompanist/Composer and Live Musician touring to the public schools with ArtsLive! (Fayetteville AR)
Volunteer Music Program Director, Boston Mountains Educational Cooperative, 1986-88 (a "Special Ed" school, Greenland, AR)
Volunteer Music Program Director, Baltimore Experimental High, 1976-77 (Baltimore MD)
Program Director, Black Rock YMCA Branch and Riding Program, 1978-80 (Towson MD)
Founder/Administrator, Glenmanor Area Horse Shows 1962-67 and Black Rock Horse Shows 1978-80 (Towson MD)

Unusual breadth and depth of experience in music, in dance, in teaching, and in administration.

The Long-Form CV

Note: For those reading this as hard-copy print-out,
the interactive version with additional linked detail
can be accessed online at

Kathleen Pierson, Musician and Teacher

contact: kashainwords -at- gmail - dot - com
mail to: PO Box 1533, Elon, NC 27244

Introductory Overview: Three Distinct Skill Sets:

Education: Degrees and Accomplishments

MM (Master of Music, Composition) Towson University, Towson, MD, 1992

Additional Graduate Work (Electronic Music, Choreography) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 1982

BA (Music) Goucher College, Towson, MD, 1971

Chronology of Work Experience and Highlights

Currently (August 2009 - present): Elon University, Elon, NC, and Carolina Ballet Summer Intensive, Raleigh, NC.

Summer 2011 (scheduled) and Summer 2010: Carolina Ballet Summer Intensive, Raleigh, NC.

Summer 2010: American Dance Festival on the Duke University campus, Durham, NC.

Musical performance independent of dance:


Click here for more about Kathleen's music for dance specialization
Click here for audio/video examples of Kathleen's music
Click here for details on Kathleen's twenty ACDFA conference experiences
Click here for a long list of names of some of the teachers for whom Kathleen has accompanied across the decades
Click here for more on Kathleen's own choreographic works and her experience founding/administering Performing Arts Collective years ago: those experiences are still infusing and enriching her current thinking as a musician for dance.


2007-2009: Freelance composing, performing and teaching in Asheville, NC

2006-2007: Dance Institute at University of Akron, Akron, OH: part-time accompanist, summer and weekend

2005-2007: Kent State University, Kent, OH: Full-time Staff Accompanist/Composer and Instructor in the Dance Division

2004-2005: Kenyon College, Gambier, OH: Guest Artist

2001-2004: Denison University, Granville, OH: Concurrently serving as Resident Musician in Dance and as Assistant Professor, part-time, in Music


Sidebar: Here is the consolidated listing of all 33 college courses Kathleen has taught.

By General Title (specific course titles vary slightly from institution to institution):
Music Appreciation 14 times; Women in Music 11 times; Music For Dance four times; Music Fundamentals twice; World Music; Exploring New Media.

Chronologically: Kent State University:
Spr 2006: DAN 47095 Music for Dancers Denison University:
Fall 2004: MUS219/319 World Music
Spr 2004: FYS102 Exploring New Media
Spr 2004: MUS220/320 WMST220 Women in Music
Fall 2003: MUS220/320 WMST220 Women in Music
Spr 2003: MUS101 Music Appreciation
Fall 2002: MUS220/320 WMST220 Women in Music
Fall 2002: MUS101 Music Appreciation Goucher College:
Spr 1999: DA230 Music for Dance Towson University:
Summ 2001: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation" Music of the Western Heritage
Summ 2000: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Summ 2000: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Spr 2000: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Spr 2000: MUSC107 Spec Topics Music for Dance
Fall 1999: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Fall 1999: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Fall 1999: MUSC107 Music Fundamentals
Summ 1999: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Spr 1999: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Spr 1999: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Fall 1998: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Fall 1998 (second section): MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Fall 1998: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Summ 1998: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Spr 1998: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Spr 1998: MUSC107 Spec Topics Music for Dance
Fall 1997: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Fall 1997: MUSC205 (cross-listed with WMST) Women in Music
Fall 1997: MUSC107 Music Fundamentals
Summ 1997: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Fall 1996: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Summ 1996: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"
Spr 1996: MUSC101 "GenEd Music Appreciation"

Additional details regarding Kathleen's teaching outside of university settings,
including at Baltimore Actors Theatre Conservatory, Towson, MD 1990-96,
at The Park School, Brooklandville, MD, 1991-92,
and at St James Academy, Monkton, MD 1988-1990,
available upon request


1990-2001: Towson University, Towson, MD: Concurrently, with variations in schedule from semester to semester, serving as:
Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Music (1996-2001, teaching up to 20 credits/year),
Head of Theory/Composition for the Preparatory Division (1993-2000), and
Musician for Dance (constantly 1990-2000, and Summer 2003)

1999 (concurrent with Towson University activities above): Goucher College, Towson, MD: Guest Faculty

Through the 90s, concurrent with all the above, continued accompanying for the Goucher College Dance Department

Throughout the 90s: Freelance Composing for Professional Choreography, for Theatrical Productions, and for Concert Venues, including:

Performing Arts Collective, Fayetteville, AR: Founder/Director 1984-1988

More details on the decades preceding Performing Arts Collective available upon request.

Forty years performing music and teaching, and still, the undiminished desire
to approach both music and teaching as potentially ever-fresh and new.

Kathleen Pierson, Musician and Teacher